International School Costa Brava

School life

School life International School Maresme
School life International School Maresme

In lessons

Our students engage in a dynamic and sophisticated educational environment where the medium of instruction, from Early Years to Secondary, is exclusively in English. Our innovative approach extends beyond traditional classrooms, incorporating both indoor and outdoor settings to create a dynamic and conducive learning environment.

At ISM, we place a premium on collaborative learning. Our meticulously crafted activities are designed to facilitate not only learning from one another but also learning with one another, fostering teamwork and mutual growth. Our unwavering commitment to personalized bespoke learning activities ensures the tailored development of each child’s unique strengths and interests.

Embark on an educational journey with us, exploring a comprehensive curriculum that encompasses both core and discreet subjects, providing a well-rounded and formal education for your child. Join us in creating an environment where each lesson is not merely a component of the day but an invaluable opportunity for discovery, exploration, and the cultivation of a lifelong appreciation for learning.

Beyond lessons



At ISM, our weekly assemblies are a vital part of our educational journey and how we celebrate and share students’ achievements. They bring our students together to inspire, learn, and connect. Through engaging activities and motivational talks, assemblies help build a strong sense of community, foster personal growth, and celebrate achievements, making them an essential and enriching experience for our students.


Student Council

Our Student Council empowers student ownership and community involvement. It provides a platform for students to voice their ideas and concerns, fostering responsibility and civic engagement. Through the Student Council, students actively contribute to creating a vibrant, inclusive, and student-driven school environment.

Children have the right to give their opinions freely on issues that affect them. Adults should listen and take children seriously.

Sharing thoughts freely. Unicef

Children have the right to share freely with others what they learn, think and feel, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way unless it harms other people.


House points

Each House is a small group within the larger School community that fosters pride, responsibility, and respect for the contributions of others. Every ISM pupil belongs to a House during their time at the school. This House will become almost like a family to them, as it provides the basis for many friendships.

Extracurricular activities

Hands-on learning experiences

For every learner, this is critical in developing a “base knowledge” on which to hook all new knowledge and experiences. At ISM we scaffold from the simplest thinking skills of assimilating  facts and recall, to higher cognitive skills including analysis, synthesis, problem solving, and evaluation.

Sports hub

Jiu Jitsu

Creative hub

Arts & Crafts



Irish Dance

Homework hub

Primary Club 

Secondary Club

Emotional education, inclusion & wellbeing.

Our students’ emotional well-being is fundamental to their academic achievement. Both in and out of class, our students are supported by a team of highly qualified teachers and specialist practitioners.


Inclusion & wellbeing

Language support

Language support

Upon arrival, teachers assess each student’s language proficiency to determine the appropriate placement. Our ultimate goal is to consistently support the student’s language acquisition journey, guiding them towards fluency in the language. 

Students who do not have a strong grasp of English receive specific attention in small groups during their initial year with us. Throughout this first year, teachers assist them in catching up and having the level of English that allows them to access their lessons’ main content. 

Bullying prevention

At ISM we aim to nurture and develop SELF-ESTEEM, EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE, POSITIVE SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS and INDEPENDENCE. Our approach to Bullying is based on SOCIAL PEDAGOGY and RESTORATIVE PRACTICE. Protecting our students from any kind of abuse is one of the priorities of International School Costa Brava. 

Please refer to the Anti-bullying Policy.

Bullying prevention ISM

Special needs education

ISM’s Learning Support department is led by qualified SEND practitioners who shadow the progress of all our students from the point of entry. At ISM we make sure that no student is left behind, and we tailor and design both the curriculum and the different learning journeys so that every student achieve their full potential and fulfils dreams and aspirations.

We work together in partnership with families, teachers and other relevant professionals and agencies to make sure we take every single angle affecting the child’s development is taken into consideration. When ongoing specialised attention is deemed to be required, ISM collaborates with a series of external professionals to ensure that specific needs are met.

Our school policy ensures that parents and other significant family members participate and are involved in all interventions, to guarantee optimum support, inclusion and development in all instances. 

UNICEF recognition

Dual accreditation and access to higher education

UNICEF has recognized International School Maresme (formerly ISCAT Maresme) as a reference center in children’s rights education for our dedication to integrating children’s rights into the educational project and fostering their implementation in the daily activities of our educational community.

School life UNICEF certificate International School Maresme

School services

School uniform

School uniform

We are pleased to inform you that beginning September 2024, International School Maresme will be implementing a new school uniform. This update underscores our dedication to enhancing the sense of unity and pride among our students. Detailed information regarding the procurement of the new uniforms will be provided shortly. Please stay tuned for further updates.

Dinning room

Dining room

At International School Maresme, eating healthily means providing the children with nutritious, fresh and home-cooked food that we know the children will enjoy. Our lunch menus provide a healthy, nutritionally-balanced diet, and are designed to provide variety and is adapted seasonally – see an example below. Children are also encouraged to drink water at regular intervals and they have independent access to water throughout the day. At International School Maresme we actively promote healthy eating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle from an early age.

Apply for admission

Open enrolment

Our easy and straightforward admissions process is designed to help you get in touch with us quickly and comfortably by completing this simple contact form. Please read on for information that will help you in the process of applying and/or finding out more at International School Maresme.
